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Are you on a quest to sharpen your mind and enhance your well-being? Enter the Stamets Stack, a microdosing protocol catching wellness enthusiasts’ attention Foggy Forest Daddy Long Legs. This post will guide you through the promised perks of this unique blend of mushrooms and vitamins for brain health. 

Get set for an intriguing dive into fungal intelligence! 

Key Takeaways 

  • The Stamets Stack, created by mycologist Paul Stamets, includes Lion’s Mane mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, and Niacin aimed at enhancing brain function. 
  •  Microdosing with the Stamets Stack may improve focus, mental clarity, memory retention, creativity, and problem-solving skills without intense psychoactive effects. 
  •  Early research indicates the potential for microdosing Psilocybin to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety while promoting emotional well-being. 
  •  Recommended dosages are crucial for safety in the Stamets Stack protocol: 0.2-1 gram of Lion’s Mane per day; 0.1-0.5 grams of Psilocybin for beginners to experienced users, respectively; 10-100 milligrams of Niacin depending on tolerance. 
  •  Users must consider risks such as adverse reactions and legal issues when using the Stamets Stack and seek professional guidance. 

The Stamets Stack: Explained 

Paul Stamets is a renowned mycologist who developed the microdosing protocol using Lion’s Mane and psilocybin mushrooms, along with Niacin. Microdosing involves taking small doses of these ingredients to experience their potential cognitive and mental health benefits. 

Who is Paul Stamets? 

Paul Stamets is a trailblazing mycologist known worldwide for his work with fungi, exceptionally functional mushrooms that offer health benefits. He’s been at the forefront of research into how mushrooms can improve our lives, from environmental solutions to new medical insights. 

With numerous books and talks on mushroom microdosing and psychedelic therapy under his belt, Stamets has become a key figure in psychedelic research. 

His innovative approach includes the creation of the Stamets Stack microdosing protocol, which integrates Lion’s Mane mushrooms and Niacin with Psilocybin to enhance cognitive functions. 

As an advocate for harnessing nature’s power through psychedelics, he has significantly propelled forward the conversation on using these substances for mental health benefits and overall well-being. 

What is microdosing? 

Microdosing involves taking small, sub-perceptual doses of psychedelic substances like Psilocybin over a regular schedule. This protocol aims to harness the potential benefits of psychedelics without inducing intense hallucinogenic effects. 

The practice has gained attention for its purported capacity to enhance users’ cognitive function, creativity, and mood regulation. 

In microdosing, individuals typically consume one-tenth to one-twentieth of the typical recreational dose specifically to avoid psychoactive solid effects. This approach allows them to experience subtle changes in perception and cognition while avoiding the full-blown psychedelic experiences associated with larger doses. 

The ingredients of the Stamets Stack (Lion’s Mane mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, and Niacin) 

The Stamets Stack comprises three main ingredients—Lion’s Mane mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, and Niacin. 

  1. Lion’s Mane mushrooms are known for their potential to stimulate nerve growth factor, which may support brain function and nerve regeneration. 
  2. Psilocybin mushrooms contain psychedelic compounds that are believed to influence mood, perception, and cognition when microdosed positively. 
  3. Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is included in the stack to mitigate any potential adverse effects of microdosing Psilocybin. 

Dosage recommendations 

It is essential to adhere to precise dosage recommendations to achieve optimal results with the Stamets Stack microdosing protocol. Understanding the appropriate dosages for each component is crucial for a safe and effective microdosing experience: 

  1. Lion’s Mane mushrooms: A recommended dosage of 0.2-1 gram daily, taken with food. 
  2. Psilocybin mushrooms: Beginners typically start with 0.1-0.3 grams daily, while experienced users may increase to 0.5 grams daily. 
  3. Niacin: It is suggested to take 10-100 milligrams daily, depending on individual tolerance and response. 

Uncovering the Advantages of the Stamets Stack Microdosing Protocol 

The Stamets Stack microdosing protocol has shown potential benefits in improving cognition, cognitive ability, and mental health. Still, it is essential to consider the risks and considerations associated with this practice. 

Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of the Stamets Stack microdosing protocol! 

Improved cognition and cognitive ability 

Microdosing the Stamets Stack has been shown to enhance cognition and cognitive abilities. Observational and retrospective research suggests regular microdosing with Lion’s Mane mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, and Niacin may promote better focus, mental clarity, and memory retention. 

Many users have reported feeling more alert and mentally sharp throughout the day. The potential for enhancing cognitive function is an area of great interest in understanding how microdosing could positively impact daily productivity and overall mental well-being. 

The combination of ingredients in the Stamets Stack – Lion’s Mane mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, and Niacin – has been linked to possible enhancements in problem-solving skills and creativity. 

Potential mental health benefits 

Psilocybin microdosing, as part of the Stamets Stack protocol, shows the potential to improve mental health. Observational research suggests that microdosing psychedelics like Psilocybin may help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. 

Early studies also indicate that regular microdosing could enhance emotional well-being and reduce stress levels. 

Moreover, individuals who have incorporated the Stamets Stack into their routine report experiencing a sense of mental clarity, improved mood, and better emotional resilience. This approach has drawn attention as a potential adjunctive treatment for various mental health conditions. 

Possible risks and considerations 

Transitioning from potential mental health benefits to possible risks and considerations, it’s essential to note that while microdosing with the Stamets Stack may offer positive effects, there are potential downsides to consider. 

As with any substance or protocol that alters brain chemistry, there is a risk of adverse reactions or unexpected outcomes. It’s also crucial to be aware of the legal implications and social stigmas surrounding psychedelic medicine. 

Additionally, individual responses may vary, so users must proceed cautiously and seek professional guidance if necessary. Staying informed about the potential risks and being mindful of personal circumstances can help ensure a safe and beneficial microdosing experience with the Stamets Stack. 


Exploring the potential advantages of the Stamets Stack microdosing protocol reveals intriguing possibilities for cognitive enhancement. Including Lion’s Mane and Psilocybin mushrooms could improve cognition and potentially support mental well-being. 

While considering any risks, it’s essential to recognize the growing interest in this approach as a promising avenue for further exploration.