Blocks memory formation 

Cannabis affect Hippocampus part of the brain. This affects the infants. That’s why it’s recommended to start using the drug at the age of 21 years and above. 

Affects body balance 

THC enzyme in marijuana affect the cerebellum part of the brain killing its cells. This part is responsible for coordination of the body. This leads to alteration of body balance and coordination such that heavy cannabis abuser may fall at any time for stability is affected. 

Leads to Psychosis 

Psychosis is loss of sense and personal identity. The abuser looks confused and easily loses memory anytime. 

Hallucinations and Delusions 

Hallucinations is seeing false images that don’t or never existed. The abuser meditates on false things making him or her reckless and dangerous. The brain system is affected. 

Causes increased pulse rate 

Cannabis affects the heart pulse rate. This leads to high blood pressure leading to heart diseases and circulatory disorders. 

Leads to distorted perception 

Distorted perception affects sights, sounds, time and touch. The abuser losses reality aspect of what’s happening around him or her. What he or she reasons is what’s applied. 

Affects unborns during pregnancy 

Cannabis affects the neurological Development of the infant. It leads to disorders such as memory loss, poor understanding and memory failure to the infants. Expectant mothers are required not to consume the drug at any given time since the effects of the drug to the infants are massive and permanent. 

Causes burning and stinging of the mouth 

This is due to smoking. This may lead to throat, lip and tongue cancer. Moreover, it leads to bad breath, poor orak hygiene and discoloration of teeth. 

Affects lung and entire breathing system 

The inhaled smoke causes extreme and persistent cough. The smoke coats on bronchial tubes and trachea leading to high chances of blockage leading to asthma and respiratory infections. 

Causes increased appetite 

Cannabis consumption causes high rate of feeding. In fact the abuser feeds abnormally and regularly. The brain system of feeling is affected. 

Causes intensive working 

Cannabis excessive abuse may lead to the abuser having high psyche when working. One gets overworked but never gets tired. This leads to muscle tension and pulls affecting the muscular system of the body. 


Abuse of top cannabis strains 2020 may lead to poor health. This is however if excessively abused. The drug can be a killer and a savior at the same time. The choice or decision of the abuser determines the effective use of the drug. The species of 2021 have medicinal effects and bad effects to the abusers.