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With the increase in the demand for weed all over the globe, online dispensary Canada weed sellers have cropped up left, right and center. This has in turn provided the perfect space for scammers to raid on, the non-suspecting clients. Therefore, whenever you are buying weed online, it is important to be very cautious in order to be able to mitigate the scams that might come your way. There are very many signs that you can come across, which can rise your alarm that the online weed seller is a scam and you are about to lose your hard earned cash. This article therefore will outline the most common red flags to look out for, so that you can avoid online weed scams. They includes.

Insisting you pay before delivery

In the online platform, you will find out that the seller and the buyer even never see each other. This is because they interact in the online space, thus curtailing their one on one meeting. This is the platform in which scammers use, in order to defraud the unsuspecting members of the public. They do this by pushing you to pay for the weed which you have ordered, before it is delivered to you. This is very dangerous because you can pay for the weed and it is not delivered. Therefore, it is always advisable to choose the online weed sellers who demand pay after they have delivered your weed.

Details spelt wrongly

You need to know that it is not a must for a scammer to have adverse knowledge on the subject matter in which they are conning people. Therefore, at some point due to their limited knowledge on the weed, they will misspell a word in their website. Therefore, whenever you see a word which has wrongly spelt, then you need to run for your money, because chances are that is a scammer who is ready to pounce on you. For example, a scammer can misspell the name cannabis sativa by writing canabiss satva. Legitimate online weed sellers can never misspell a name related to weed.

Too much additional information

Another trick that online weed scammers use in order to con unsuspecting clients, is by asking too much of their personal information, in the pretense of establishing who is buying their weed. However, whenever someone asks too much questions about you even which cannot be applied when buying your weed, that is a potential scammer. For instance, a scammer can ask you the pin of your Credit card and your account number so as to withdraw your money. Therefore, always be on the lookout so as to avoid some of these scams.

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