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Weed has become a popular product to buy over the last few years, with its legalization in many states and countries. However, buyers of this product have continued to receive stigma from the general public, as people have a negative perception of people who uses the herb. That is the sole reason that many of them have sought refuge to opting buying weed through the online platforms Xpress Grass Canada This has in turn led to cropping up of very many online dealers, some of whom are not genuine and whose sole purpose is to milk dry weed buyers. Therefore, it is important to look out when buying the weed online, by looking at the red signs below.

Pay before delivery

One of the most common online weed buying scam across many states and countries, is the situation where dealers push buyers to pay them before they deliver the product, and then disappear with no trace. Therefore, whenever you are buy marijuana online from an online dealer, it is important to check out if they are a trustable source. In case they keep pushing you to pay the money before they can deliver the product, then you need to run for your dear money. Never ever pay for weed which have not been delivered to you, if you do not want to loseyour hard earned cash to a person taking advantage of you. Ask them to deliver first, and then pay once you have ascertained it is the right quality.

Additional information

Another trick that many online weed scammers use is asking the buyers too many personal questions, in the pretext of knowing who they are. They go so far that they even ask for your account number and the pin, which many unsuspecting buyer fall into their pitfall. They then use the information that they have received from the buyers to withdraw money from their accounts. Therefore, before you give out any information about yourself, it is important that you think through the risks that may arise from that, and take precautionary steps. If possible, never disclose your private information to strangers.

Perfect pictures

In order to sell their weed and get as many clients as possible, many online weed dealers pick up pictures of weed which they have downloaded from the internet and post them as their own. This is in an attempt of luring clients to buy their weed which could be of very low quality. It is therefore, very important that whenever you are buying your weed from online dealers, to confirm the quality of weed that they deliver. That is why it is advisable to ask them to deliver the weed first before you pay, as this will give you the opportunity to check whether its of good quality.